Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Psychology in the News Essay Example for Free
Psychology in the News Essay Adolescent has always been considered a period of experimentation and risk taking. It is a time when teenagers become extremely aware of themselves and their bodies, leading to problems with regard to body image, self-esteem and negative emotions in general. One disturbing trend in the American society is adolescent suicide. In June 2009, news item published in the San Jose Mercury news website (www. mercurynews. com) tackled the harsh reality of this grave problem surrounding the tumultuous years of the adolescent Americans. Fisher started with an account of teen suicide (Fisher 2009). After two consecutive student suicides at Gunn High School, a community forum was held to give assistance to teens bombarded with problems and in the process, avoid committing suicide (2009). During the forum held at Cubberly Community Center, the Palo Alto community tried to find the answers on how to avoid teen suicide and at the very least, find reasoning on the school’s successive suicides. Citing figures from the National Institute of Mental Health, Fisher expressed that teen suicide poses a â€Å"greater threat†to children than swine flu (Fisher 2009). She also noted the result of a one survey which estimates that 1 in 12 students had taken a shot (no pun intended) at suicide in the past year (2009). While the figures are alarming most especially to the parents, Fisher argued that no significant solutions have been placed. Community forums and counselling are the usual steps laid to alleviate this problem (2009). While there are warning signs that parents and teachers may detect, such as alcohol and drug abuse and changes in attitudes towards schools and other relationships, Fisher remarked that such signs may sometimes be hard to detect or overlooked upon, thus making it harder to prevent suicide (2009). Fisher ended by voicing out concerns over when the community would start getting serious about teen depression and suicide (2009). The news item is indeed, as the author opined, a ‘wake-up call’ on the gravity of teen depression and suicide. As a future parent, it is a cause for alarm for this author. If the current situation cannot be changed, if the number of teen depression and suicide continue to soar, it will be harder for future parents and children to get to the bottom of it. Now, the statistics are already startling, what more ten years from now? Everyone should remember that the youth is the future generation but if the future generation is constantly plagued with depression and suicide, how will they lead the nation? It is something that everyone should take seriously. The news item related to psychology on two things: first, it covers a period in the life span development of individuals, that of the adolescent. It is a time when an individual undergoes physical changes as well as personality and social development. It is a transition phase when the individual is no longer a child but not yet an adult. It covers human development, which falls under developmental psychology, the study of changes in people from birth through old age. . Second, the news item relates adolescence with a common developmental problem, which is suicide. It has been known that suicidal behavior among adolescents is linked to psychological problems such as depression, drug abuse and disruptive behavior. As such, they are directly related to the field of psychology. As aforementioned, depression is a leading cause of suicidal behavior and depression, as everyone knows, is a common mood disorder. It is important to bring to light the issue of teen depression and suicide, not only to treat it but to prevent it in the first place. As the author of the news item said, it does not take two or more suicidal incidents to take the problem seriously. Work Cited Fisher, Patty. â€Å"Teen suicide needs Attention†. San Jose Mercury News. June 2009. 3 August 2009 http://www. mercurynews. com/ci_12523782? nclick_check=1
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Not for Publication Chris Masters- Expository analysis :: essays research papers
Not For Publication â€Å"Journalists are given the privilege of shared access to the first draft of history, and some responsibility to make sense of it.†(NFP) The light that Chris masters sheds on the ethics and responsibility of investigative journalism in relation to the public and on whom the report on is explored in Not for publication. Masters’ expository discourse develops the common ‘essential objective is profit rather that saving the world.†Masters first hand experience and unearthing of the true facets that are todays investigative media, is more sinister than one would expect. Through direct expressions of Masters’ concern we see how the public is stimulated and deluded by masses of entertainment and propaganda, the cry for bad news is so inert in our society, that the concept of Masters exposition stories would not mediate to the mass media. The level of manipulation of the news is alarming when brought to our attention, Masters goes on further to explore why this news is manipulated, to our ill-surprise, it is manipulated for the very people who watch it, the public. The escalating sensationalism and violence that the media embellishes to is what Masters argues to be, what the public want, â€Å"the massage is hard to avoid: [the public] want blood, their own blood†. This is one of his major concerns, as a journalist, he wants to illuminate the factors that establish modern journalism, the condescending truths and untruths that deliver entertainment over morals. Chris Master incorporates the ‘duty of journalists [as] to reshape information and get that information to the public’, while this is important and periodically essential, it is his broad knowledge tells us that ‘the best journalism is the journalism to challenge the orthodox, respectfully challenge the public opinion and occasionally deliver bad news’(pg 5). While this is almost evident in Masters’ book, but the fact he did not deliver these stories that seem perfectly fit for ‘today’s journalism’ he attains a kind of benevolence, and consideration for his subjects. As seen in his anonymity, which shows the reader how it is not worth the social and media torment of the journalistic process. Quite powerfully he delivers the calming words that many of us already know, perhaps by our own nature or experience: ‘In order for there to be good journalism, journalists need to find a balance between what they want to present and what the public wants’.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Oedipus complex and relationships in ‘Sons and Lovers’ Essay
David Herbert Lawrence was born in 1885 in Nottinghamshire, England where his father was a miner. His experience growing up in a coal-mining family provided much of the inspiration for Sons and Lovers. Lawrence had many affairs with women in his life, including a longstanding relationship with Jessie Chambers (on whom the character of Miriam is based), an engagement to Louie Burrows, and an eventual elopement to Germany with Frieda Weekley. Sons and Lovers was written in 1913, and contains many autobiographical details. His childhood coal-mining town of Eastwood was changed, with a sardonic twist, to Bestwood. Walter Morel was modeled on Lawrence’s hard-drinking, irresponsible collier father, Arthur. Lydia became Gertrude Morel, the intellectually stifled, unhappy mother who lives through her sons. The death of one of Lawrence’s elder brothers, Ernest, and Lydia’s grief and eventual obsession with Lawrence, seem hardly changed in the novel. (Both Ernest and his fictional correspondent, William, were engaged to London stenographers). Filling out the cast of important characters was Jessie Chambers, a neighbor with whom Lawrence developed an intense friendship, and who would become Miriam Leiver in the novel. His mother and family disapproved of their relationship, which always seemed on the brink of romance. Nevertheless, Chambers was Lawrence’s greatest literary supporter in his early years, and he frequently showed her drafts of what he was working on, including Sons and Lovers (she disliked her depiction, and it led to the dissolution of their relationship). Lawrence’s future wife, Frieda von Richtofen Weekly, partially inspired the portrait of Clara Dawes, the older, sensual woman with whom Paul has an affair. Considered Lawrence’s first masterpiece, most critics of the day praised Sons and Lovers for its authentic treatment of industrial life and sexuality. There is evidence that Lawrence was aware of Sigmund Freud’s early theories on sexuality, and Sons and Lovers deeply explores and revises of one of Freud’s major theories, the Oedipus complex. Still, the book received some criticism from those who felt the author had gone too far in his description of Paul’s confused sexuality. Sons and Lovers was the first modern portrayal of a phenomenon that later, thanks to Freud, became easily recognizable as the Oedipus complex. Never was a son more tied to his mother’s love and full of hatred for his father than Paul Morel, D. H. Lawrence’s young protagonist. Never, that is, except perhaps Lawrence himself. In his 1913 novel he came to grips with the discordant loves that haunted him all his life–for his spiritual childhood sweetheart, here called Miriam, and for his mother, whom he transformed into Mrs. Morel. It is, by Lawrence’s own account, a book aimed at depicting this woman’s grasp: â€Å"as her sons grow up she selects them as lovers–first the eldest, then the second. These sons are urged into life by their reciprocal love of their mother–urged on and on. But when they come to manhood, they can’t love, because their mother is the strongest power in their lives. †Of course, Mrs. Morel takes neither of her two elder sons as a literal lover, but nonetheless her psychological snare is immense. She loathes Paul’s Miriam from the start, understanding that the girl’s deep love of her son will oust her: â€Å"She’s not like an ordinary woman, who can leave me my share in him. She wants to absorb him. †Meanwhile, Paul plays his part with equal fervor, incapable of committing himself in either direction: â€Å"Why did his mother sit at home and suffer?†¦ And why did he hate Miriam, and feel so cruel towards her, at the thought of his mother. If Miriam caused his mother suffering, then he hated her–and he easily hated her. †Soon thereafter he even confesses to his mother: â€Å"I really don’t love her. I talk to her, but I want to come home to you. †The result of all this is that Paul throws Miriam over for a married suffragette, Clara Dawes, who fulfills the sexual component of his ascent to manhood but leaves him without a complete relationship to challenge his love for his mother. When Paul, physically aroused, finds no natural response in the girl who seems to love him-Miriam, he is confused, helpless, and becomes even cruel. Unable to assert himself, or even to accept as natural his longings he is unable to continue in the spiritual relationship with the girlâ€â€because his mother alone already owns his soul. The relationship is ended, Paul’s personality suffers a kind of tearing or splitting and in his next relationship Paul realizes at some unconscious level he must leave his soul somewhat free for his mother and participate on a kind of detached physical level. Thus, in his relationship with Clara, it is the primarily bodily maleness of Paul bonding with the primarily bodily femaleness. Obviously the danger is to oversimplify the Paul/Miriam and Paul/Clara relationships. It is true that the contact with Clara puts Paul at least temporarily into richer contact with his own body, his phallic consciousness, as Lawrence would say, whereas in his sterile relationships with his mother and Miriam Paul has had to forego this fuller consciousness. Now he experiences what he believes is a kind of paradisiacal kind of love and fulfillment. In any case, all the relationships in Sons and Lovers seem to involve power struggles: Mrs. Morel extracts power from her husband by turning from his sexual presence and then dominating, even emasculating her sons; she controls Paul’s devotion through the imposition of her values and aspirations and thus weights down their relationship. The balance of power in relationships seems to be an essential concern of D. h. Lawrence, since it is appears over and over again to be responsible for the death of love. Lawrence’s men and women will not be controlled, possessed or lost in another individual’s reality. D. H. Lawrence’s perpetual search for the archetypal human relationship affects all his fiction and particularly Sons and Lovers, his coming of age novel. It is here that his preoccupation with the love ethic and the profound split caused by the imbalance or â€Å"power cast,†of most relationships are so nakedly revealed. The incomplete and imperfect relationships of Sons and Lovers are among the most discussed and analyzed in English Literature. Paul Morel’s imprisoning relationship with his mother cripples all his other relationships.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Greek Mythology Gods And Goddesses - 1972 Words
Carine Kessie ENG 2010-29 Van De Water April 21, 2017 Greek Mythology: Gods and Goddesses The ancients Greeks were polytheistic which means they used to worship many gods. In the past, Greek gods and goddesses used to live at the top of Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece. However, despite their great powers, gods and goddesses were much like humans, and sometimes they had to come down to hearth to intervene in the affairs of mortals, involving men and women, enemies, and sometimes lovers. At the beginning of everything, Heaven and Earth had twelve sons and daughters called the Titans. The youngest boy, named Cronos took his father’s throne by force and married his sister Rhea. As a result, his father Heaven cursed him: â€Å"One†¦show more content†¦They were perfect in form and perfectly happy. They lived from eating the fruit on the trees and never fell ill or died. However, they started to conspire and causing trouble to Zeus. Zeus-the-shining melted them down and left only their spirits to watch over the next race of people, the ones he cast from silver. The race of silver was beautiful and vain. They looked at themselves in the dewponds and said; â€Å"So beautiful! We must be gods!†(McCaughrean14). They never turned their silver face toward Mount Olympus and, in their pride, they thought the world was theirs. Zeus buried the race of Silver in the ground and made the race of Bronze instead. They were no sooner born that they picked up flints and used them for tools. They made axes and spades, and began industriously to build. â€Å"This is better,†said Zeus (McCaughrean 14-15). Then they made swords, spears, arrows, clubs, and left the building to slaughter. By the time their war was finished, Zeus had to begin all over again. The only thing that was left to him was Iron. The race of Iron rusted and grew old. They worked and quarreled, loved and died. They worshipped the gods with a fearful superstition, and bombarded Olympus with their prayers. In fact, they were human (McCaughrean). Zeus married his own sister Hera, the goddess of marriage and monogamy. He had his throne on the highest top of Mount Olympus and was respected by all Gods and mortals. All the kings claimed that they were created byShow MoreRelatedGreek Mythology : Gods And Goddesses1725 Words  | 7 Pages2017 Greek Mythology: Gods and Goddesses, The ancients Greeks were polytheistic which means they used to worship many gods. Greek gods and goddesses used to live at the top of Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece. However, despite their great powers, gods and goddesses were much like humans, and sometimes they had to come down to hearth to get involved and intervened in the affairs of mortals, involving with men and women as patrons, enemies, and sometimes lovers. 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