Friday, December 27, 2019
How Literacy Is The Overall Structure And The Very Support...
Literacy the ability to read and write, it’s the overall structure and the very support for people to learn. Without it, our world would cease to exist. Every day, people are reading words, helping the learn, by doing that it will help them be a successor in life. Many people, including myself, say that they don’t like reading and writing, but in reality it’s everywhere. Literacy is something you see though everything: newspapers, books, television, and even though social media. Being able to understand your own literacy improvement is very difficult, remembering memories from starting to read and writing now being a college student in an English class. I was taught this in high school, in order to identify your own literacy, break down and remember back to your younger years. My very own literacy experience starts at the age of five when my grandparents bought my parents, a cabin for their tenth wedding anniversary. It was a dark cabin somewhere near Island Park, I vividly remember the drive up there, the outside environment, and the inside smell of the cabin. The drive up there was long and cold, when arriving at the cabin. I thought to myself that it looked old. When we went through the dark maroon colored door frame to see the walls filled with color; my parents told me when I was older that the previous owner built bookcases into the wall. The books were perfectly aligned cover to cover and organized by author’s name; they were grouped into the walls by genre. TheShow MoreRelatedLiteracy As A 21st Century Educator1604 Words  | 7 PagesWhen one hears the term literacy, the first thought that comes to mind is reading. However, literacy is so much more. It is in everything we do, from reading a book to getting from one location to another. We often do not realize how much literacy is in every aspect of our daily lives. As a math teacher, I chose to explore this concept as it relates to mathematics. I wanted to gain a general understanding of how literacy is intertwined in mathematics, from vocabulary to word problems. As a 21st centuryRead MoreLiteracy Is The Key Structure Of Communication, And Communication1468 Words  | 6 Pageslearn to be successful. Literacy is one of them. Literacy is the ability to read and write, and without either one of them our world would fail. It’s the overall structure of communication, and communication is something that dominates our lifestyle today. Literacy can be met through other things besides reading and authorship. It can be found in newspapers, books, television sources and so much more. It is vital to understand literacy and how resources are related. My literacy skills began to developRead MoreHow I Am A Writer Essay1112 Words  | 5 PagesReflective As a writer, I would consider myself to be a very strong writer. 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To begin reading children need a strong back ground in the language he or she isRead MoreAdolescence : Infancy And Childhood Development890 Words  | 4 Pagesand trying things out is how babies learn. Although brain development is natural, there is a lot more to it than developing on its own. Brain development comes from moms, dads, siblings, aunts, uncles, caregivers and just the people around the babies. We help babies learn about the world around them. We give babies chances to touch, taste, see, hear, and smell as they can. We give them chances to do and learn many of things. We just have to do the right things that support brain development, suchRead MoreStrengths And Weaknesses Of Reading Essay958 Words  | 4 Pagesmy read/write, but the weaknesses do bring me in a stump at times. When writing an essay, you can have a very high vocabulary, but not have the best of grammar. The good thing about weaknesses is that they can be worked on to be made into a strength. Many pe ople achieve this by setting goals and making the new one harder and harder. Without strengths or weaknesses or even goals, how would people learn from their mistakes, becoming better at what theyre not or achieve their aims. The shortcomings,Read MoreChanging Social And Political Space Of Women Essay1649 Words  | 7 PagesStatistical index shows that the women of Kerala are distinct from that of other states in their outstanding gains in the fields of education and health. This is the one of the few states where mass literacy has been achieved for both men and women even across the different religious communities. Adult Literacy rate in 2011 among females is 92.07% against the national average of 65.46%. The entry of women in public space in Kerala had begun in early twentieth century, in salaried jobs especially in teachingRead More3 Key Issues that Affect Educational Outcomes for Indigenous Australians1485 Words  | 6 Pagestakes into account any other cultures. Students of indigenous background often have to cross between cultural confines of school and home. â€Å"The role of schools reflect embedded cultural attitudes, expectations and representations about indigenous people.†(Tess L ea, Aggie Wegner, Eva McRae-Williams, Richard Chenhall Catherine Holmes 2011, pp 265-280) Many remote schools curriculums are principally prejudiced to western cultures and thus have a negative impact on the indigenous students, and thusRead MoreLessons Of Resilience : What We Can Learn From The Subprime Mortgage Crisis Essay1499 Words  | 6 Pagesconsequences for the consumer and corporate sectors as well as for the national government’s international reputation. Through consumer education, corporate responsibility, and government regulation and safeguards, the future housing market can serve to support, rather than hinder, the the United States and international economy. Consumers certainly seemed to take the brunt of the losses from the subprime mortgage crisis. By the end of 2008 one in six homeowner’s properties were in negative equity, andRead MoreJustification of a Scheme of Work Essay1589 Words  | 7 PagesJustification of Scheme of Work A scheme of work is the overall programme of study. It may last for example, one week, ten weeks, or two years. It is merely a breakdown of the whole programme into smaller chunks based on your frequency of your meetings with learners. (Wilson Practical Teaching 2008 p68) The selection and sequencing of topics reflect on the 6218 curriculum set by the awarding body, the curriculum is a Basic Construction Skills course built around various practical tasks for which
Thursday, December 19, 2019
A Brief Note On Falling And Injury Prevention - 1308 Words
Kinematics of Falling Injury prevention is one of the most significant driving forces for the study of biomechanics. Understanding what causes people to get injured allows us to design better, safer products and systems that make injury less likely. While relatively new, the kinematic study of falls and maintaining stability is an important area in injury prevention. This is especially relevant to the elderly, who fall at a much higher rate than the average population. According to one study, 32% of people over the age of 74 fall at least once a year. Individuals over the age of 85 are almost 100 times more likely to die as the result of a fall than those younger than 65, making this figure even more alarming (Luchies, Alexander, Schultz,†¦show more content†¦Fall impact research measures the speeds and forces involved once an individual has lost his/her balance and is going to hit the ground. Fall recovery research was conducted to find differences in how young and old people responded to sudden pulls at the waist. Little difference was found in the kinematics of body segment and joint rotation. Differences were, however, identified in the number and length of steps taken by the older and younger participants (Luchies et al., 1994). Though it yielded interesting results about balance recovery strategies, fall recovery research failed to pay dividends in terms of injury prevention. Studies this removed from the actual impact of a fall are unable to find substantial injury-provoking differences between younger and older people. Highly concerned with improving safety for the elderly, researchers like Luchies and colleagues refrained from measuring scenarios where participants actually lost balance. This limited the scope of their findings. A study by van den Kroonenberg, Hayes, and McMahon (1996) revolutionized fall research. It was the first study to use â€Å"human volunteers as subjects to study fall kinematics†and involved video taping 19 to 30-year-old participants falling on cushioned mats. The shift in focus from fall recovery to fall impact opened up a brand new frontier of inquiry. Measuring the kinematics acting on free-falling individuals and those
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Influence of Compensation Samples for Students †
Question: Discuss about the Influence of Compensation and Benefits. Answer: The selected article is managing employee compensation and benefits for job satisfaction in libraries and information centres in Nigeria (Odunlade, 2012). The main question of the article is to identify the various benefits that are provided to the employees working in a library. Along with to ascertain that is there any other forms of compensation that academic librarians will need excluding the salary. The article also focuses to identify the other types of benefits that are being enjoyed by the counterparts of the organization but is not provided to the other staffs present in the organization. Throughout the article reading it will also throw light in the relationship between compensation, benefits and job satisfaction of the academic librarians. The intended audiences that the author is trying address by writing the article are the employees of the organization and mainly the supportive and non supportive staff of any of the university. The main focus is given on the librarian staffs that are eligible for the benefits and the compensation which are most of the time enjoyed by the counter staffs of the organization. He also wanted to reveal that there is a close relation between the benefits and compensation which together affect the satisfaction level of any employee. In the article it is mainly stated that compensation plays an important role to satisfy the employees or in other words to compensation can affect employee behavior. However it is invalid that not every time this factor is an essential because many a times the social environment, employee- executive relationship and the working condition also plays an important role to motivate the employees. In some cases, in spite of a good compensation but a lack of employee manager relationship can leave a negative impact over the employee and dissatisfy them. Yes, I agree with what the author of the article had ascertained and gave explanation that compensation contributes a crucial role in the retention and the employment of the librarians and further of a good salary and benefit to the academic librarians there is a still need of improvement in the system organizational compensation. There is a need to reframe the compensation policy by the library human resource specialist. There are many universities where there is need of a strict policy making because many of the staffs are denied by the benefits that are taken up by the counterparts. In any university the academic library is the supportive unit. I believe that an employees behavior can be affected by his or her compensation because it motivates the employees to work much better and to achieve his or her goals which can lead him to earn incentives. Compensation affects the employees performance positively such as it decreases the rate of absenteeism in them because they have motivation in them to achieve the target. It influences employee work attitude and behavior and provide them with a sense of satisfaction towards their job assigned. A good remuneration or reward makes an employee to produce quality and quantity work. It is also founded that there are many benefits that are not offered to the employees but if provided can lead to increase in higher productivity and happy internal clients. These benefits can be considered as social security and pension plans. References Odunlade, R. O. (2012). Managing employee compensation and benefits for job satisfaction in libraries and information centres in Nigeria.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The 16th President Of The United States Of America Was Essays
The 16th president of the United States of America was Abraham. Abraham begat Isaac, and Isaac, that's the wrong story. This ought to be the story of the tall bearded man from Illinois who led our great nation to freedom and unity. But his term was not all hunky-dory for the glory-boy. When He was elected in 1860, not only did the south want to secede from the union of the United States, but Mrs. Mary-Todd Lincoln wanted to redecorate the White House. Mrs. Lincoln was a very odd (some might say disturbed) individual. She frequently was overcome with emotion over small things, and eventually drove most of the other political couples to want to avoid the Lincolns at all costs. Abe and Mrs. Lincoln had four children. One died at a very young age back in Illinois. The other three were Robert, Willy, and Tad. Robert was in Harvard during the time when the Lincolns moved into the White House. But tragedy struck the Lincolns when the middle son died of disease. Mrs. Lincoln totally flipped out and it took while to bring her back to the real world. Needless to say, this was a very trying time for the President. Lincoln also had the big problem of Civil War on his hands. He had a heck of a time finding generals for the war. His first pick was Lee, but Lee decided that he would rather stay with Virginia than fight on the side of the Nation. Lincoln also had a hard time with McClellan and Hooker. McClellan refused to fight. Hooker would fight, but there were some controversies over who he let follow the troops around. But in spite of all of this, he led the Nation back to unity. Lincoln was shot and killed in the Ford's Theater April 14th, 1865 by John Wilkes Booth. If that assassination had not taken place, I believe that there would have been even more continued reconstruction of the country and better race relations.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Political Economy of Germany †Report
Overview of the political economy of Germany According to Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany is one of the strongest economies among the countries that form the European Union (16). During the last quarter of the year 2011, the real gross domestic product of Germany stood at $ 3.479 trillion (Global Finance 1).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Political Economy of Germany – specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This denotes positive economic development. The country was affected by the global financial crisis (Janning 1), which resulted in a fall of GDP growth of the country by 5.1%. The fall in the GDP of Germany during the crisis was attributed to the position that it occupied in EU trade. Being an exporter of numerous technological goods and machineries across the European Union, the country had a low return from trade. The trading environment in Europe shrank because of the d ecreased financial sector in most of the European countries. The economic strength of Germany has been enhanced by the reunification of East and West Germany. Germany has an active political landscape (Lange 2). The political landscape of Germany is marked by rational politics. The country has a federal government which is led by a Chancellor. The country is subdivided into different regions. The current head of the federal government is Chancellor Angela Merkel. Germany is headed by a coalition government which is composed of three parties; they include the Christian Democratic Union, Christian Social Union and the Free Democratic Party (Schwarzer 3). Economic policy areas of Germany in relation to the European Union Germany is amongst the strongest supporters of the European Union. The country has exhibited support for economic integration of Europe through the European Union. To that effect, the country has pursued many policies in regard to its incorporation into the European Un ion. Germany highly advocates for economic integration of the European Union because of the benefits that accrue to the functioning of the union. The economy of Germany is highly supported by exports. A third of the national output of Germany emanates from exports. The EU presents many export opportunities to Germany. Current policies of Germany on European Union integration began in the early years of the 1990s. This is the time when the country began seeking for real economic identity in Europe. The European Union was uncovered as the main tool that would help Germany to keep pursuing its economic goals (Janning 2). The fiscal policy in relation to the global economic crisis The current government of Germany is pursuing numerous economic policies. The fist economic policy that is being pursued concerns the elimination the budgetary deficit in the coming years. Deficits in the budget of a country are argued to have been aggravated by the financial problems in the European Union (Sc hettkat and Langkau 10).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The government has focused on bringing together all the public finances so as to raise enough capital to bail the country from the crisis in order to improve the trading environment in the country, and the attainment of favorable figures in the balance of payments. The balance of payments is often depended on the rate at which a country participates and gains from exportation of products. As the country focuses on raising revenue generation, it must also assess the performance of the European Union. The reason for this is that the EU forms the immediate foreign market that comes with many economic benefits to Germany. The benefits accrue to the level of integration that has been attained in the EU. Internal economic policies in highly economically integrated regions are often affected by forces from the Union (Schwarz er 2). The common agriculture policy of the European Union – impacts on the economy of Germany The European Union has what is known as a Common Agricultural Policy. The policy seeks to protect farmers in all countries forming the union. Farmers in Germany and other European Union countries are efficient. However, there are a number of factors that limit the farmers. They hinder them from competing effectively in the international market. These factors include input, land and cost of fuel. Through CAP, extra funds are provided to farmers in order to help them subsidize the high costs of production. Tariffs and quotas are imposed on agriculture products that are imported into the union. According to the policy, Germany and other EU countries are barred from offering any other support to their agricultural sectors. Being a beneficiary of the CAP, the responsibility of the Germany government is to ensure that funds that offered by CAP are managed effectively. Germany is one of th e strong advocates of the policy. It was among the first signatories of the treaty that officiated this policy. With improvements in the framework on which CAP is administered, Germany and other EU counterparts are deemed to remain competitive in the international market (European Commission 1). Positive and negative aspects of EU membership on Germany Belonging to a regional economic body has both positive and negative effects to countries. Germany has derived a lot of economic benefits from its membership in the European Union. Germany is an active exporter of different commodities. Its presence and membership in the European Union has enhanced its exportation capacity. A lot of cross border trade barriers have been eliminated from the EU giving Germany the opportunity to thrive in the EU market (Schwarzer 2). On the other hand, participation in regional trading blocs results in negative effects for participant countries.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Political Economy of Germany – specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Inasmuch as the country benefits from the reduced trade restrictions, it also faces increased importations from other countries. As a strong economy, Germany has managed to use its economic power to export more, thence, offsetting the deficit that is brought about by imports. Foreign investment in Germany by countries which do not belong to the EU Germany has a large economy. The economy of Germany is argued to be decentralized in the sense that internal economic policies are pursued regionally (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 16). The country possesses a favorable investment climate for foreign investors. The country has a stable political environment which has been witnessed since the reunification that took place in the last decade of the 20th century. Germany has a stable government which oversees economic development. It has cultivated a strong economic environment that is supportive of continued investment. As of today, there are a substantive number of foreign firms that control their production in Germany. The high rate of economic development of Germany is backed by investment in technological development. According to Legler, Licht, and Spielkamp (5), technological development backs industry in the country hence encouraging productivity. Nearly all industries in Germany utilize high technological production methods helping in positioning the country not only in Europe, but also in the entire world. All these factors denote the presence of an active economic base in Germany. The wider economy and a relatively high population denote the present of a market and labor force for foreign investors (Adekola and Sergi 258). Foreign investors need to assess the role and benefits of Germany in the European Union. This presents an indirect but beneficial aspect. By investing in Germany, non- EU countries can get an oppor tunity to market their products in Europe without incurring excessive expenses. Political stability in Germany is a positive factor of influence on economic development. Any foreign investor in the country would find a conflict free zone in which to establish a business. Good governance is also a positive feature in Germany (Lange 3). It Presents a favorable business climate by eliminating business vices like corruption. Investors are required to go through the stipulated procedures. The complexity of the procedures is reduced by the favorable business landscape. The other supportive factor, which is an advantage to foreign investment, is the presence of numerous foreign companies in the country, some of which come from outside the European Union. Foreign investors can adopt to business entry practices that have been used by benchmark foreign firms operating in Germany.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Viitala (38) observed that the main disadvantage of foreign investment in Germany is the presence of a highly competitive economic environment. The competitive pressure resonates from goods and services from other EU countries that trade with Germany. The EU countries have a competitive edge over other countries or firms from other countries. The advantage comes from the fact that EU based firms are exempted from numerous trade procedures and costs. The argument here is that irrespective of the presence of internal incentives for investment in Germany, firms originating from outside the EU are often disadvantaged. The disadvantage is seen in cases of access to the EU market. Works Cited Adekola, Abel, and Bruno S. Sergi. Global Business Management: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2007. Print. European Commission. Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). 2012. Web. Global Finance. Germany Country Report: GDP data and GDP forecasts; economic, financial and trade inform ation; the best banks in Germany; country and population overview. 2012. Web. Janning, Josef. Europe: Germany’s Dilemma. European Policy Center. 2011. Web. Lange, Thomas. The Political Economy of German Unification. Providence [u.a.: Berghahn Books, 1998. Print. Legler, Harald, Georg Licht, and Alfred Spielkamp. Germany’s Technological Performance: A Study on Behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research; with 28 Tables. Heidelberg: Physica-Verl, 2000. Print. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Oecd Economic Surveys: Germany. Paris: OECD, 2012. Print. Schettkat, Ronald and Jochem Langkau. Economic Policy Proposals for Germany and Europe. New York: Routledge, 2012. Print. Schwarzer, Daniela. The Political Economy of Germany in the Sovereign Debt Crisis. Bruegel: Petterson Institute for International Economics. 2011. Web. Viitala, Tomi. Taxation of Investment Funds in the European Union. Amsterdam: International Bureau of Fiscal Docum entation, 2005. Print. This report on The Political Economy of Germany – was written and submitted by user Hayes Ramirez to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Meteors and Comets Essays
Meteors and Comets Essays Meteors and Comets Essay Meteors and Comets Essay Meteors and Comets My topic for this book report is meteors and comets. In fact that is also the title of my book where I got this information from. The author of my book is Gregory L. Vogt. Three main facts that I have learned are when meteors travel through space they are no longer called meteors, they are now called meteoroids. How meteoroids are formed, and how scientists believe that comets are very old. I chose this topic because meteors and comets have always interested me, and because of Halleys Comet. Many people ask and think, why are meteors called meteoroids when they travel through space if they are the same thing? Its also the same thing as saying meteoroids that fall into Earths atmosphere are called meteors. The atmosphere is the layer of gasses that surrounds Earth. I wonder if the gasses ever changed anything. As in the shape, speed or heat. Some people call them rocks from the sky! Meteors are formed in two ways. Many come from asteroids. Others come from comets. Asteroids are large chunks of space rock. They are also called minor planets. Some meteoroids are the size of a piece of sand. Some can be as big as a house! Comets almost totally melt away after many orbits. But dust and grains from the comet keep moving around the sun. After the dust and grains fall into Earths atmosphere are meteors. So one part of why scientists think comets are very old is if one comets have orbited many times then it has to be old the other part is how they think comets ate pieces left from when the solar system began. This probably happened billion of years ago. Thats why scientists think that comets are very old! In conclusion these are some parts that I found interesting in my book. Other parts that I found interesting were how some people who lived long ago were afraid of comets, or when a meteor lands on Earth its called a meteorite. This was what I thought of my book.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Law Breaking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Law Breaking - Essay Example The article has used the classical theory to explain the events and behaviors of this gang, which views that punishment and deterrence, should be the basis for crime control. In this article much has been said on deterrence whereby most of the gang members have already been arraigned in court charged, and others have already been put in custody for their actions. From the article thus; we can clearly see the reaction of the Federal District, as being driven by the classical theory and, therefore, taking the action of prosecuting and deterring the offenders, as a means of correcting their antisocial behavior. From what the article reports, it would be agreeable to say that not much information has been given on the crime activities of the "six folk nation" gang. It would, therefore, be stated that the crime has been implicitly theorized. In this case thus; the article gives just enough information to pass the message, about the illegal actions of the gang. However, though, there is a description of the activities that took place in April and September 2008, there is no clarity on the actual events of the two occasions to make the theorization explicit. It is thus implicitly theorized. From my view, crimes in society are partly caused by the social structure of the people. This is how people tend to group themselves depending on their social class, level of education and others. In the case of "six folk nation" gang, maybe a closer scrutiny of the composition would elicit ideas that the members of the gang belong together in the social structure and thus support each other’s action regardless. According to lecture 1 on law breaking, the system of organization among the members of a particular social group is likely to cause crime. In
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